costs also are affected by how well your vehicle runs. Performing
regular maintenance can ensure more efficient vehicle operation and help
prevent costly repairs down the road. Below are general checks to make
sure your vehicle stays in tip-top shape. Read your owner’s manual for
more detailed information on your vehicle’s specific requirements. When
performing any do-it-yourself maintenance, always be sure to take proper
safety precautions.
- Engine oil: Lubricates and cools the engine while cleaning internal parts. Running your car when it’s low on oil can cause serious engine damage. Check the oil level at least once a month.
- Coolant: Prevents engine freeze-up in winter and boil-over in summer while protecting the cooling system from rust and corrosion. Check the coolant level at each oil change.
- Brake fluid: Critical to proper performance of the vehicle’s braking system. Check at each oil change
- Transmission fluid: Helps transfer engine power to the wheels, lubricates internal parts, maintains seals and acts as a coolant. Check the level at each oil change.
- Power steering fluid: Transfers hydraulic pressure to reduce driver steering effort. Check at each oil change.
- Gasoline: Follow vehicle manufacturer octane rating recommendations to ensure maximum fuel efficiency and prevent damaging engine knock.
Air Filter: Your
vehicle’s air filter captures dirt particles and ensures proper airflow
to the engine. Inspect the filter at every oil change and replace as
Belts: Most
vehicles today use a single serpentine belt to operate under-hood
accessories such as the alternator. However, V-belts still are used in
some applications. Inspect all belts at every oil change and replace
when you spot signs of wear such as glazing or cracking.
Hoses: Hoses
circulate vital liquids such as engine coolant, transmission fluid and
power steering fluid. Inspect hoses at every oil change and repair or
replace any that show signs of wear or leakage.
Battery: The
battery supplies power to the starter motor, acts as a voltage
stabilizer and makes up for any shortfall when the alternator can’t meet
the vehicle’s electrical needs. Inspect battery cable connections at
every oil change and clean as needed. When servicing a battery, always
wear eye protection and gloves.
Tires: As
the only part of your vehicle in contact with the road, tires are
integral to safety and ride comfort. For optimum performance, tires must
have adequate tread depth and be properly inflated. Inspect tires and
check inflation pressures at least once a month.